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Chloe Haberkorn, OD

Dr. Haberkorn grew up in Crestwood, IL and attended Alan B. Shepard High School. From there, Dr.
Haberkorn attended Bradley University. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in biology with a cellular and
molecular pre-professional concentration and chemistry minor. Aside from her studies, Dr. Haberkorn
served on the executive board of Bradley’s Habitat for Humanity and American Red Cross chapters. She
co-founded a volunteer club called SERVE.

Upon graduating from Bradley, Dr. Haberkorn continued her studies at the Illinois College of Optometry.
She was a part of the student board, serving as the volunteer coordinator. She was a teaching assistant
for numerous courses and graduated with honors.

After becoming a board-certified optometrist and graduating, Dr. Haberkorn began an electrophysiology
and inherited retinal disease fellowship at the Pangere Center. She studied under the acclaimed
ophthalmologist Dr. Gerald Fishman and optometrist Dr. Frederick Collison. During her time at the
Pangere Center, Dr. Haberkorn participated in research alongside patient care.

Outside of work, Dr. Haberkorn enjoys spending time with her husband, two kids, and dog or volunteering at a farm caring  or animals. Dr. Haberkorn is eager to care for you and your family’s ocular well-being.


Vezinaw, C., Fishman, GA., & McAnany, J. (2019). Visual Impairment In Retinitis Pigmentosa. Retina.
40. 1. 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002649.

Vezinaw, C., Fishman, GA., & Chiang, J. (2019). A Novel PAX6 Mutation in a Patient with Nonsyndromic
Dominant Foveal Hypoplasia and Congenital Nystagmus. Optometry & Visual Performance, 7(5/6).

Vezinaw, C., & Fishman, GA. (2019). Spectral Transmission of Sunglasses from Patients with Various
Inherited Retinal Diseases. Optometry & Visual Performance, 8(1).

Vezinaw C., Fishman, GA., & Chiang, J. (2019). Unanticipated Prognosis For a Patient With Type 2
Usher Syndrome. Doc Ophthalmol. 138(2):161-166.